Guatemala’s Congress Building Set Ablaze by Protesters - Breaking News


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Saturday, November 21, 2020

Guatemala’s Congress Building Set Ablaze by Protesters

Protesters challenging Guatemalan President Alejandro Giammattei stormed and set fire to part of the country’s Congress building on Saturday, November 21, amid protests over a budget that cuts educational and health spending, local media reported. Prensa Libre reported that a group of unidentified persons interrupted a congressional gathering and threw objects, causing the legislative headquarters to catch fire. President Giammattei condemned the behavior of the protesters, describing their acts as “criminal.” Demonstrators had gathered in protest after legislators approved a nearly $13 billion budget for 2021 earlier in the week that cuts educational and health spending, the AP reported. The passage of the controversial law by the country’s conservative-leaning Congress spurred the resignation of Vice President Guillermo Castillo, who encouraged Giammattei to do the same. Credit: marvindelcid/articulo35 via Storyful

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