ANZAC Day will ‘unite’ Australians amid coronavirus chaos - Breaking News


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Thursday, April 23, 2020

ANZAC Day will ‘unite’ Australians amid coronavirus chaos

Tasmanian Senator Jacqui Lambie says ANZAC Day is a chance for Australians to “unite” amid the coronavirus chaos. “It’s been such a horrific time over the last eight to 10 weeks in this country, I think some unity under the circumstances will not only be a distraction but will unite the country and I think that is fabulous,” she said. The veterans affairs advocate urged Australians to honour those who had served their country despite the challenges imposed by social distancing measures. “The best way that we can show our respects is to go down to our driveways, out onto our front lawns, out onto our balconies at 6am for the dawn service,” she said. “If you want to load up The Last Post on your phone while you’re out there that’s great.”

from National | Daily Telegraph

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