Govt should ‘take an equity stake’ in Virgin Australia - Breaking News


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Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Govt should ‘take an equity stake’ in Virgin Australia

Centre Alliance Senator Rex Patrick says the government should “take an equity stake” in Virgin Australia rather than just granting a loan to the company, which was struggling to keep afloat amid the coronavirus pandemic. Mr Patrick told Sky News “there are similar downsides for a loan and an equity stake but significant upsides for an equity stake”. He said “the taxpayer would likely make a profit” once the pandemic passed and the market “restores back to normal”. “It is not the same thing as owning a company outright,” he said. “The Australian government should not simply be handing out money to companies left, right and centre. “We do need to have a multifaceted approach.” Image: Getty

from National | Daily Telegraph

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