Trump’s push to reopen churches is ‘very political’ - Breaking News


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Thursday, May 21, 2020

Trump’s push to reopen churches is ‘very political’

Sky News contributor Michael Ware says the reopening of churches has become a focal point in the United States as every state moves to ease lockdown restrictions. Mr Ware told Sky News “here in America, religious freedom is enshrined in the constitution under the First Amendment and we all know the Americans don’t muck about in the expressions of their religious freedoms”. Mr Ware said 1,200 pastors in California united in a vow to “defy the governor’s lockdown orders”. “We know that for every conservative politician religious freedom is canon but we now see that the president of the United States is taking a deeply religious issue and making it very political," he said. President Trump argued “churches are not being treated with respect by a lot of the Democrat governors” and said they must be reopened as soon as possible. Image: AP

from World | Daily Telegraph

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