Funeral homes move to stream services amid COVID-19 pandemic - Breaking News


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Monday, March 23, 2020

Funeral homes move to stream services amid COVID-19 pandemic

Australian Funeral Directors Association Adrian Barrett says extending government restrictions on social distancing to funerals was a “tough but necessary move”. Concerns were raised by the government over the continuation of funeral services as there was an inclination to disregard social distancing protocols. Mr Barrett told Sky News “we are there to help people come together and support each other at really tough times”. He said the move towards streaming services “obviously goes against everything we do as an industry” but the streaming option ensures people “can still be part of the service in some form”. “We do feel that these tough, early measures may help services in some form go forward into the future,” he said. “Hopefully the measures that are in place currently stand for some time or the duration of the pandemic. “But we also know that this is going to take a long time to get through as a country.” Image: Getty

from National | Daily Telegraph

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