Hotel quarantine a ‘practical innovative solution’ to stop the spread - Breaking News


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Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Hotel quarantine a ‘practical innovative solution’ to stop the spread

Prime Minister Scott Morrison says the government has helped to establish quarantines facilities for returning travellers in the pandemic including the Centre for National Resilience. “They were there to support the broader quarantine arrangements that were put in place necessarily with all the states and territories because the sheer volume of arrivals that would come back to Australia and needed to be accommodated in that way,” he said. Mr Morrison said the quarantine arrangements devised by the government were a “practical innovative solution” and saved tens of thousands of lives. “As a result of the response to this pandemic, more than 30,000 lives have been saved by the very arrangements we’ve put in place with the states and territories,” he said.

from Breaking National News and Australian News | Daily Telegraph

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