Afghan Resistance Fighters Brandish Rifles at Tomb of Famed Guerrilla Leader in Panjshir - Breaking News


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Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Afghan Resistance Fighters Brandish Rifles at Tomb of Famed Guerrilla Leader in Panjshir

A group of anti-Taliban resistance fighters brandishing rifles and rocket-propelled grenades gathered at the tomb of former guerrilla commander Ahmad Shah Massoud in Afghanistan’s northeastern Panjshir province in mid-August. This footage shows dozens of men wielding an array of weapons as they stand in the courtyard of the tomb of Ahmad Shah Massoud, a military commander who was assassinated by Al Qaeda in 2001. Massoud’s son, Ahmad Massoud, leads a resistance group that opposes the Taliban’s takeover of most of the country. Panjshir is their stronghold from which they operate, having recently reclaimed parts of Baghlan from the Taliban, according to Reuters. The source of this video, who wishes to remain anonymous, told Storyful they had traveled to Panjshir to support the resistance efforts. They stressed that the people of Panjshir were armed and ready if proposed peace talks with the Taliban were not fruitful, but said they believed the people of Afghanistan did not want a war. Credit: Anonymous via Storyful

from Breaking National News and Australian News | Daily Telegraph

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